Course description
Intellectual property rights are the legal rights that protect the results of intellectual work. The right to patent is one of the most well-known rights; it protects inventions that are novel, non-obvious and have an industrial use. The focus of the course is to discuss various aspects of intellectual property rights that are essential to know for a future career both within and outside academia.
During the course, the participants will be able to learn from various stakeholders from the intellectual property rights industry. Topics include:
• your right to intellectual assets as a researcher in Sweden (teachers’ exception).
• how you can manage intellectual property rights in research collaborations, including other jurisdictions than Sweden.
• how publishing your research results can affect your legal possibilities to protect your results.
• how you can identify research groups to collaborate with using patent information.
• ethical considerations of patenting in relation to open science / access / innovation.
Requirements and Selection
Prerequisite courses, or equivalent
No prerequisite courses, or equivalent, demanded for this course.
Selection will be based on:
1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation),
2) start date of doctoral studies (priority given to earlier start date).
Course director
Andreas Lundquist
Course syllabus
Department of Learning, informatics, Management and Ethics
Doctoral programme
**Not within a doctoral programme
Type of course
**Other course
intellectual property rights