Microscopy: Improve your Imaging Skills - from Sample Preparation to Image Analysis

Third-cycle level | 6.0 credits (HEC) | Course code: H7F2870
VT 2025
Study period: 2025-01-27 - 2025-02-14
LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION: The course is given in English
Application period: 2024-10-15 - 2024-11-24

Course description

Are you unsure of your microscopy skills? Can your sample preparation be improved? Do you feel confident with your microscope settings? Which microscope specifications should you put in your article? At the LCI core facility microscopy course, you will learn all the fundamentals of microscopy and directly apply them to your own experiments:

  • Which resolution does your experiment require?
  • How to choose the pixel size on a confocal?
  • Which objective is most appropriate for your own experiment?
  • How to get rid of tissue autofluorescence?
  • How to extract meaningful information from your images and handle images for publication?

To learn all this and much more, join the LCI microscopy course. This course will provide you with enough theoretical and practical knowledge to enable you to improve your own sample and to properly use the hardware and software on your own microscope.

Please note that the applications must contain the following 4 parts:

  1. the confirmation that the applicants fulfil the a, b, c, d and e conditions listed in the syllabus, under Prerequisite courses or equivalent;
  2. a brief description of the scientific aim of their own imaging projects;
  3. a brief description of their microscopy experience so far, when they started their current microscopy project and which microscope(s) they currently use;
  4. fluorescent images of their sample acquired by them on the microscope mentioned above and submitted in the original format delivered by the microscope (please write to Sylvie.le.guyader@ki.se to ask for a link to upload your original images).

Applications will only be considered when all these 4 conditions are fulfilled. If you have several projects, describe only the most relevant in the application and prepare the corresponding sample for the course.

The students must prepare their own sample before the course starts and need to plan accordingly. The course is intensive and requires a few days of work before the course starts. Do not plan any experiments or meetings during the 3 weeks of the course itself.

Researchers who have not yet used microscopy or do not have an active microscopy project are advised to get trained at their local imaging facility, actively acquire images for at least 3 months then apply to the LCI course next year.

Requirements and Selection

Prerequisite courses, or equivalent

The applicants must:

a) have an active microscopy project involving imaging of a fluorescent sample, started minimum 3 months prior to the start of the course;

b) be able to prepare their sample and bring it to the course;

c) In their lab or local facility, have been trained on and have regularly used a fluorescence microscope able to acquire images of fluorescent samples;

d) have access to that microscope during the course (some assignments require submitting new images);

e) set aside time so they can be fully committed to the course for 3 weeks, including the equivalent of about 2 days of work before the course (includes preparing their samples).

Researchers who have not yet used microscopy or do not have an active microscopy project are advised to get trained at their local imaging facility, actively acquire images for at least 3 months then apply to the LCI course next year.


Selection will be based on

  1. The relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant’s doctoral project (according to written motivation),
  2. The applicants' recent microscopy experience, and thus the applicants’ potential to follow the course and fulfil the imaging assignments,
  3. The start date of doctoral studies (priority given to earlier start date).

Course director

Sylvie Le Guyader

Link to website


Course syllabus



Department of Medicine, Huddinge

Doctoral programme

Development and Regeneration (DevReg)

Type of course

**Other course



CONTACTSylvie Le Guyader
073 733 5008